Popcorn elder / Curtis Peeteetuce.
87 pages : illustrations in black and white ; 22 cm.
Darren, newly on parole from prison, has been ordered by the court to live with his father on the rez. Wally and Darren have always had a contentious relationship: Wally is a problem drinker, and Darren's got a short fuse. But Wally tells his son that he's changed, has stopped drinking and started going to ceremony, and he urges Darren to do the same. As old family secrets start to be revealed, the father and son grapple with complex issues. Popcorn Elder examines the problem of "plastic shamans" who offer spirituality at a price. It looks at a community working to face its demons and heal past trauma. And at the heart of the play is the story of a father and son, filled with anger, guilt, and pain, seeking connection and reconciliation. Through flashbacks, a combination of Cree and English, and an unforgettable cast of characters, Popcorn Elder tells the story of one family's journey toward hope.
Co-production between Gordon Tootoosis Nikaniwin Theatre and Dancing Sky Theatre.
2 acts ; 3m, 2w ; 4m, 7w.
First public performance : Dancing Sky Theatre, on April 29, Meacham, Saskatchewan.
Director : Angus Ferguson.
D P375po 2018