Three plays / by Mae West ; edited by Lillian Schlissel.
Titre alternatif
Plays. Selections.
246 p. ; 23 cm.
Sex ; 18 characters (12m, 6w). -- The drag ; 17 characters (12m, 5w). -- The pleasure man ; Large cast.
SEX : Montreal's red light district - Rocky's residence. Police officer Dawson is there to get money - he is keeping quite about a murder - but Rocky does not have the money and he offers him Margy. Margy will have none of this. Dawson leaves saying that he will be back. Rocky leaves - he has a date with a "society dame" who he plans to seduce and then blackmail. Sailor Gregg arrives a client of Margy's but also a friend. They go out to a swanky restaurant, Gregg spending the money that he had intended paying for Margy's services. Rocky brings his society dame, Clara, back to his house, drugs her and drags her into the bedroom. Much later Margy and Gregg return and find the unconscious Clara. They manage to revive her. Dawson comes back wanting money. He asks what Clara is doing there. Margy says she is a friend visiting but Clara says that Margy had forced her into the apartment, drugged her and stolen her jewellery. As she is taken away Margy swears she will get revenge.
THE DRAG : 1927 and Mae West writes the sort of play about gay men that gay playwrights weren't to write until the 1970s
THE PLEASURE MAN : Backstage of a Broadway vaudeville theatre. - comedians, dancing girls and drag queens. A lothario's dalliances lead to his death.
D W5171 1997