The saints and apostles / Raymond Storey.
1st ed.
91 p. ; 22 cm.
A moving and thoughtful depiction of family members and loved ones during the AIDS pandemic in the 1970s. This is as warm and moving tale about the ultimate fear of intimacy which re-examines modern relationships, and the power and the limitations of love. The Saints and the Apostles is a rich and lyrical drama about love, friendship and mortality, with five characters whose lives and voices intertwine. But they spend as much time talking to the silence of their lonely city lives as they do to each other, and at the heart of the play is a tragic failure in communication. Michael is a successful thirty-five year old theatre director who has isolated himself from personal relationships. The only person close to him is his roommate Madeline, until the arrival of Daniel – brilliant, attractive, and HIV positive. The Saints and the Apostles chronicles the fits and starts of people apprehensive about commitment, terrified to take a chance on love.
2 acts ; 1 set ; 3m, 2w.
First public performance : Kaasa Theatre, on November 8, 1991, Edmonton.
Director: Raymond Storey.
D S8841sa 1993